Site Meter Twinsburg Wrestling: March 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

Freestyle Starts Today!!!

Practice Monday and Wednesday at THS from 6:00-8:00 PM

Any questions contact:  Marc Labry (330) 907-1230

Friday, March 12, 2010

News for Week of March 15th...

Middle School Wrestling Banquet

When: March 22, 2010

Where:  Golden Corral

Time:  6-8 PM

Who Should Attend: Wrestlers, Parents, and Twinsburg Wrestling Fans

Cost:  $9.99 for Adults,  $3.99 for Children (Price excludes Beverage)

Junior High States

Good Luck Martel Anthony and Alex Netzband as they represent the Twinsburg Tigers at Junior High States!!!

Open Mats

Mondays @ Hudson High School
Tuesdays @ Hudson High School
Wednesdays @ Chanel High School
Thursdays @ Hudson High School

Q:  Who should go?
A:  Anybody and everybody who are tyring to improve their game for next year!!!

Q:  What's next? 
*See Coach Davis for details